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#threegoodthings Part 4: Whales, Big Bird and Volunteer Dads

#threegoodthings Part 4: Whales, Big Bird and Volunteer Dads

January can be a bit of a letdown after a busy holiday season, so I wanted to make sure I sent out some happy news to get you through!

We started this #threegoodthings experiment before the holidays and got an awesome response, so I'm going to continue to spread the warm fuzzies.

Here's the news that brought a smile to my face this week. 

Volunteers in Nova Scotia Save Stranded Whale  

*Photo by Carolyn Ray/CBC

A pilot whale got stranded on a sand bank on New Years day and was rescued by about a hundred volunteers who braved the cold to save the day. 

A group of the volunteers poured water on the whale to keep it from suffocating while the rest of the brave souls shoveled out the sand bar so that the whale could return to the ocean. 

Marine Animal Response Society (MARS) arrived and used an inflatable raft to guide the stranded animal out to the reef. Thankfully, the whale made it safely back out into the ocean. 

See more here


$100 Million Dollar Grant to Make Sesame Street Available to Young Syrian Refugees 

*Photo by Sesame Workshop

Almost every child in America grew up watching Sesame Street, learning from the cast of characters and enjoying the fun antics that became valuable life lessons. 

Both Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) were awarded a $100 million grant from the MacArther Foundation to reach displaced children in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria.

The program include storybooks, video clips, activity sheets, and training guides. It will be targeted toward Syrians and focused on teaching the children important language, reading, math and soci-emotional skills. 

This grant is a much needed investment in the lives and futures of children who have faced unimaginable distress and danger.

Read more here. 


600 "Volunteer Dads" Give Their Time to Step In As Male Mentors at a Texas Middle School 

*Photo by Stephanie Drenka

At a middle school in Dallas, Texas, the annual "Breakfast with Dad" event was scheduled, but school administrators were afraid that there would be many students whose fathers would not attend.

They reached out to the community via Facebook, asking if 50 men could volunteer their time to show up for the students who wouldn't otherwise have a father figure present. 

Much to their surprise, over 600 men of all ages, races, and backgrounds showed up to provide some fatherly mentorship to the students. They gave out life advice, taught the students lessons and stepped up when they were needed most. 

Read more here.


Got big travel plans this year? 

We now offer XL Travel Tracker maps in both Black and Gold and Platinum. Bigger adventures call for bigger maps! 


P.S. Here's a headline that made me LOL 

The Thailand Prime Minister Referred Reporters to a Cardboard Cutout for Further Questions

*Photo by Dailynews via Reuters


The newest Thai PM shocked reporters with his latest move - a cardboard cutout of himself. Tired of being pestered by questions, he left the cutout standing and directed any follow up questions to be addressed with "him". 

Read more here. 


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1 comment

  • Good news? Yes, we have a winner. We are bombarded with the overwhelming reality of the day, but few mention the good that must happen everyday as well. Jenny, I wish your energy all the success in the world. This should not be as outstanding as it seems.

    Joe Huet on

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